Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Father, the Englishman, and I - Nuruddin Farah

I found the word 'Swahili' in this story. According to my research:

Swahili, also called Kiswahili, is a Bantu language, the most widely spoken language of sub-Saharan Africa. Swahili is the mother tongue of the Swahili people (or Waswahili) who inhabit several large stretches of the Indian Ocean coastlines from southern Somalia as far south as Mozambique's border region with Tanzania. The number of native speakers is small, under 800,000. However, Swahili has become a lingua franca in much of East Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

A Family Supper - Kazuo Ishiguro

In this story, the most interesting thing to me is the word 'Fugu'.

Fugu is a fish caught off the Pacific shores of Japan. According to my research, it contains deadly poison in the organs. Despite the risk, fugu dishes remain as special feasts in Japan. Even the milt is considered as a great delicacy. Fugu is referred to as blow/globe/puffer fish since it blows its body up. The kanji (Chinese characters) used to write fugu indicates "river pig." In western Japan, fugu is called "fuku," which means "to blow" or "happiness." It's reported that about 40 kinds of blow fish are caught and cultured in Japan and that 10000 tons of blow fish are consumed each year. Shimonoseki-city in Yamaguchi, is known as fugu city and supplies a large amount of fugu.

For more information about Fugu, visit:

My Mother's Memoirs, My Father's Lie, and Other True Stories - Russell Banks

I found the phrase "tumblers of Canadian Club" in this story. It is quite interesting to me, so I decided to research and write about Candian Club here.
Candian Club is the name of Canadian Whisky company. Canadian Club® products are extremely versatile. They can be enjoyed neat, with a mixer or as part of your favorite cocktail. It is Canadian Club®’s unique pre-barrel blending that gives our products the smoothness that allow them to be enjoyed in so many different ways. Please click on each CC product to discover some of the best ways to enjoy our whiskies.

Heifer International

About Heifer International

Heifer International was founded on a simple belief: ending hunger begins with giving people the means to feed themselves. Today, millions of families in more than 128 countries have been given the gifts of self-reliance and hope. Every family and community receiving animals also receives training in environmentally-sound, sustainable agriculture. Recipient families "pass on the gift" by sharing one or more of their animals' offspring with other struggling families. Each recipient becomes a donor. This process enhances self-esteem, ensures program continuity, builds solidarity and multiplies the benefits of the original gift for generations to come.

For more information, visit:

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Welcome to my blog

Hello ENGL017,

Enjoy reading my blogs!
