Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Elephant Vanishes - Haruki Murakami

For this story, I made a research on elephants about their species.

It has long been known that the African and Asian elephants are separate species. African elephants, at up to 4 m (13'1")tall and weighing 7500 kg, (8.27 tons) are usually larger than the Asian species and they have bigger ears. Both male and female African elephants have long tusks, while their Asian counterparts have shorter ones, with those of females vanishingly small. African elephants have a dipped back, smooth forehead and two "fingers" at the tip of their trunks, whereas the Asian have an arched back, two humps on the forehead and only one "finger" at the tip of their trunks.

African Elephant (left) and Asian Elephant (right)

African elephants are further subdivided into two populations, the Savanna and Forest, and recent genetic studies have led to a reclassification of these as separate species, the forest population now being called Loxodonta cyclotis, and the Savanna (or Bush) population termed Loxodonta africana.

For more information about elephant's species,

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