Thursday, February 15, 2007

My Favorite Valentine's Day Poem

I Miss You

I miss you terribly this day of love,

Miss you with a wound that stabs and aches.
I see the love around me, and it takes
So much strength simply just to move.
Soon, soon, my love, this waiting will be done.

You and I will have what we desire.
On days like this we'll sit beside the fire,
Undoing all the pain of days long gone.

-Author Unknown-

I read a few Valentine's Day poem on the internet. Unlike other poems, when I read this poem, "I Miss You", I feel somethinig weird; kind of sad but no really because my girlfriend suddenly appear in my mind. This poem reminds me of my girlfriend. Also, it is very cool to read and when you look at the first letter of each line, and look at vertically and you'll see the word "I Miss You".



Professor Sweet's Cultural Reference Log said...

Dmo, You are sooooo romantic!Only kidding! Hope you had an OK Valentines Day. Did you talk to your girlgriend in Singapore?

Anh Dinh said...

lol , you r so nice , Dmo.

mellies said...

It is a lovely poem. is it because that it is a love poem or what? :P nyway I guess everyone has some to miss or to be missed...