Wednesday, February 21, 2007

True Friend by Dmo

This is the story that I wrote in senior high school. This story is based on Burmese culture. I hope you will like it.

True Friend

Tun Lin looked at the clock, which is on the wall in front of him. It was almost 5o’clock in the afternoon. He knew this is the time his parents will arrive from China. His parents are rich. They usually go to China from Burma to sell jewelry and came home with a lot of money.
Tun Lin said in his mind, “This trip is such a long one. It’s almost a month. What are they doing there to take nearly a month? They might bring a lot of money back this time.”
He was thinking about getting money from his parents while he was sitting in the living room, drinking a cup of coffee. He took the cup on the table. Before he drank, he looked at the clock again. He noticed that Nay Thu, his best friend, would come soon. Everytime Tun Lin’s parents came back from China, Nay Thu comes to Tun Lin’s house and greets his parents.
The weather outside is really bad. It is raining heavily. That reminds Tun Lin about the first day of school, the first time he met Nay Thu.
“It was raining heavily like today,” said Tun Lin in very low voice.
The school Compound was crowded with cars. They were moving very slowly in the heavy rain. Tun Lin was no longer patient. He got out of his car and ran toward the school gate. Suddenly, someone offered him an umbrella from the back.
“Oh, thanks,” said Tun Lin.
“I am Nay Thu. I am a new student here,” he introduced himself.
“I am Tun Lin. Come with me. I will show you around the school and introduce you to my friends.” They went inside the school.
“He is Myo Zaw,” said Tun Lin, pointing toward a boy with glasses who is standing at the school gate.
Tun Lin and Myo Zaw are best friends. They knew each other since they were in kindergarten. Now, they are in the final year of high school. They always stayed together, sat together, ate together, studied together, whatever they did, they were together. They are very smart and hard working students.
Tun Lin introduced Nay Thu to Myo Zaw.
“School is starting in two minutes. We better hurry,” said Myo Zaw.
Tun Lin asked Nay Thu, “What 1section are you in?”
“D,” he replied.
“That’s great. We are also in section D,” said Tun Lin happily.
Few months later, Nay Thu became their best friends. He became very close to them and knew them very well. He knew Tun Lin’s parents are rich and Myo Zaw’s parents are poor.
One day, after school, three of them walked together to the outside of the school through the soccer field.
“Where are you guys going?” asked Tun Lin.
“We’re going home,” both replied.
“Let’s go and eat something first. Then I can send u guys home by my car.”
Myo Zaw nodded. They both looked at Nay Thu.
“Hey!” Tun Lin shouted, “What’s wrong with you? You don’t want to come with us?”
“I don’t have money,” said Nay Thu, in very low voice. Tun Lin said immediately, “Ah! Don’t worry man. I will pay for you.”
Nay Thu is very happy like he achieved something. There was no sadness on his face anymore.
They started going out often from that day. Nay Thu was always telling them to go out somewhere. Later, they went out everyday after school. They don’t even aware of their final exam except Myo Zaw. Every time they went out, Myo Zaw was with them as he was the best friend of Tun Lin. But, Myo Zaw couldn’t accompany them anymore. He had to study. He asked Tun Lin to study with him. But everytime he asked the answer is ‘No’. He decided not to tell Tun Lin about studying anymore.
But at least, as a best friend, Myo Zaw told Tun Lin, “Don’t trust Nay Thu. He is using all your money.”
“What are you talking about? He’s nice to me. He makes me happy. He comes whenever I need him. He even gave me his girl when he noticed I liked her. He is the best guy in the whole world,” said Tun Lin angrily.
From that time, Myo Zaw didn’t say bad things about Nay Thu anymore. He stayed alone. But, one day, Tun Lin told him sadly about he was wrong, he shouldn’t angry at him and he asked him to come with them tonight. Myo Zaw accepted to go out with him.
But, after school, Nay Thu told Myo Zaw, “We are not going tonight. Our exam is in next month so we decided to study. We are not going out until the final exam is over.”
Myo Zaw was very happy. He thought Tun Lin was back. He thought Tun Lin was going to study hard again like before.

“Sorry, I am late,” said Nay Thu.
“Movie is already started,” said Tun Lin. “Where is Myo Zaw? I though he is coming with you.”
“He said he has to study tonight.”
“Are you sure?” Tun Lin doubted, “I told him to come.”
“Forget him! We can have fun without him,” said Nay Thu.
Tun Lin was very angry at Myo Zaw for not coming with them.

Tun Lin was thinking, “Nay Thu. He’s really nice to me. He cares about me a lot. He always makes me happy. He never does anything I don’t like.”
Tun Lin was interrupted from his thoughts by a telephone ring. He noticed his parents still haven’t arrived home yet. It already stopped raining at outside. Before he answered the phone, he drank a coffee which was holding in his hand for a long time. Then he picked up the phone.
“This is from airport customer service. We have received a message that the flight number B103 from China to Burma was crashed due to bad weather.”
“What! It’s crashed?” Tun Lin was shocked, “What happened to the passengers?”
“We don’t know yet sir. We will inform you as soon as we know.”
Tun Lin is sad and depressed. He dropped the cup in his hand. And he heard the sound of footstep.
“Sorry man, I’m late. Where are your parents? Are they home?” asked Nay Thu.
Tun Lin started crying and he said unclearly, “The plane is crashed.”
Nay Thu asked immediately, “What! Then, where’s the money to go out tonight?”

Three months later, everything was back to normal again. Tun Lin’s parents were sent to hospital for one month. Tun Lin realized Myo Zaw is the only one who cares about him. They become like before. Nay Thu never shows up from that day.

1section = classroom. In some Burmese schools, students have to stay in their same section from kindergarten to the final year of high school. All subjects are taught in the same room.

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