Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Quote that I Like the Best

"Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief." - Swedish proverb

This quote is the best quote that I found in the handout. It makes sense to me and I can easily apply to my real life. Let me break down into two parts.
"Friendship doubles our joy." It is very ture for me. For example, I went to one the beaches with my friends in Burma last winter break. It was awesome and I had a lot fun. If I go to the beach with my family or other relatives, I don't think I will have that much fun as compare to going with my friends. Therefore, friendship doubles our joy.
"Friendship divides our grief." It is also very true. When we have some kind of problems with family, and lover, or other personal problem, the only person we talk to is our friends. Usually, we don't go talk to our parents because some problems we have cannot be discuss with them. When we go talk to our friends, they make us calm and they can give us advice. Therefore, friendship divides our grief.


Professor Sweet's Cultural Reference Log said...

Great choice and explanation. :)

Hein Win(echo) said...

Its me ,Hein.The quote is very nice indeed.nice work!