Thursday, April 26, 2007

Burmese Food - Nga Baung Doke (Fish in Banana Leaves)

I decided to research on this Burma Meat Dish because it is one of my favorite dishes.

750 g ( 1½ lb) fillets of firm fish
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground black pepper
½ teaspoon ground turmeric
2 medium onions
4 cloves garlic
I teaspoon finely grated fresh ginger
¼ teaspoon chilli powder, optional
1 tablespoon thick coconut milk
1 tablespoon ground rice
2 teaspoons sesame oil
8 leaves of Chinese mustard cabbage
large pieces of banana leaf or aluminium foil
few springs fresh coriander leaves

Cut fish into 8 pieces of equal size wash and dry well then sprinkle with half the salt, pepper and turmeric. Leave aside while preparing remaining ingredients. Slice one onion and set aside. Chop the other onion and put into container of electric blender with garlic and ginger, chili powder and coconut milk. Blend to a puree.
Mix puree with remaining salt, pepper and turmeric. ground rice and sesame oil. Put in the pieces of fish and mix well. Slice the thick middle rib out of the mustard cabbage leaves and use in another dish (lettuce or spinach leaves may be used if these are not available). Cut banana leaves into pieces large enough to wrap the pieces of fish and scald them or hold over heat to make them pliable. On each piece of banana leaf put a leaf of mustard cabbage and on it a piece of fish and some of the spice mixture. Top with a few coriander leaves and some of the sliced onion.
Wrap fish first in the cabbage leaf, then make a parcel with the banana leaf. Fasten with short bamboo skewers or wooden toothpicks. Alternatively wrap in foil. Put in a steamer and steam over gently boiling water for 20 25 minutes. Serve in the leaves. Guests open their parcels on their own plates. Serve a bowl of white rice alongside.
For more Burmese Foods,

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


In Afghanistan, during the Taliban regime, women are forbidden to work and to walk on the streets without the company of a male. Because there is no man in her family to support her old mother, the teenager girl Osama cuts her hair and dresses like a boy to get a job and support her widow mother and grandmother. Osama disguises as a boy and joins the school and military training. Osama tries to keep the Taliban from finding out her true identity. The most important thing that the film shows is there are women in Afghanistan that are literally treated not just like property, but like animals.

Walking: Henry David Thoreau and The Way Home

I went to Thailand last summer. One night, I was walking around the downtown area of Bangkok with my friends. The place was crowded. I saw so many people in the downtown area. Suddenly, I saw a very pretty girl. She seems to be prettiest girl in that area. I was looking at her for a long time and one of my local friends asked, “What you looking at?” I pointed to her and told him she is so pretty. My friend laughed out loud. I asked, “What’s so funny?” He said, “She is gay.” I was shocked at first. Then I told him, “It’s not what you look at that matters, its what you see.”

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Henry David Thoreau's Quote

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Henry David Thoreau
I agree with it and I think Thoreau is saying, whatever you look at does not matter, it all depends on the people/things/environment you look. That quote can be related to “Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder.”

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Riddle - Antonio Tabucchi

For this story, I made a research about Alsatian beer.

The origins of beer in Alsace can be traced back to the early Middle Ages when the Canons of the Chapter of Strasbourg were not only drinking it but making it as well. For almost 400 years, monks produced beer for the local population to replace water which was often undrinkable.

Today, Alsatian beer is produced by large, internationally-recognised names - Kronenbourg, Schutzenberger, Adelshoffen and Fischer and the beers are mostly produced in and around Schitigheim, known locally as the Cites des Brasseurs or Brewers' Town.

For more information, please visit

The Elephant Vanishes - Haruki Murakami

For this story, I made a research on elephants about their species.

It has long been known that the African and Asian elephants are separate species. African elephants, at up to 4 m (13'1")tall and weighing 7500 kg, (8.27 tons) are usually larger than the Asian species and they have bigger ears. Both male and female African elephants have long tusks, while their Asian counterparts have shorter ones, with those of females vanishingly small. African elephants have a dipped back, smooth forehead and two "fingers" at the tip of their trunks, whereas the Asian have an arched back, two humps on the forehead and only one "finger" at the tip of their trunks.

African Elephant (left) and Asian Elephant (right)

African elephants are further subdivided into two populations, the Savanna and Forest, and recent genetic studies have led to a reclassification of these as separate species, the forest population now being called Loxodonta cyclotis, and the Savanna (or Bush) population termed Loxodonta africana.

For more information about elephant's species,

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Henry David Thoreau's Quote

"An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day." - Henry David Thoreau

I like this quote among others and this quote makes sense to me. Also, I agree that an early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. I used to walk/jog in the morning back in my country. It's hard to wake up in the early morning but when you are used to it, you won't have any trouble waking up in the early morning.

I used to wake up around 6:30 in the morning and I jog for like an hour. Then, I take a cold shower which makes me very refresh. After that, I become very energetic and ready to work hard for the whole day.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Reflections of Spring - Duong Thu Huong

For this story, I chose to make research on 'rice wafers' recipie.

Riche wafer is a kind of snacks that is available in most of the countries. In order to make rice wafers, we need the following things.

3 tablespoon Shortening
2 tablespoon Brown sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla
2 cup Rice flour
½ teaspoon Salt
3 teaspoonBaking powder
1 cup Water, approx

Cream the shortening and the sugar. Add vanilla. Sift together the rice flour, salt and baking powder. Stir into the shortening mixture, alternately with water, adding just enough water to make a thick dough. Roll thinly on a board dusted with rice flour. Cut into desired shapes and place on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 325F until faintly brown, about 10 minutes.


Helix - Banana Yoshimoto

I read this stroy and found it as a nice story. One of the words that I am eager to know in the story is 'Helix'. According to my research:

A helix is derived from the Greek word. It is a twisted shape like a string. Helices are important in biology, as DNAi s helical and many proteins have helical substructures, known as alpha helices.

In geometry, helix is the curve formed by a straight line drawn on a plane when that plane is wrapped around a cylindrical surface of any kind, esp. a right circular cylinder, as the curve of a screw. Equation: x = a sinθ, y = a cosθ, z = b θ.

In Anatomy, helix is the curved fold forming most of the rim of the external ear.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

True Friend by Dmo

This is the story that I wrote in senior high school. This story is based on Burmese culture. I hope you will like it.

True Friend

Tun Lin looked at the clock, which is on the wall in front of him. It was almost 5o’clock in the afternoon. He knew this is the time his parents will arrive from China. His parents are rich. They usually go to China from Burma to sell jewelry and came home with a lot of money.
Tun Lin said in his mind, “This trip is such a long one. It’s almost a month. What are they doing there to take nearly a month? They might bring a lot of money back this time.”
He was thinking about getting money from his parents while he was sitting in the living room, drinking a cup of coffee. He took the cup on the table. Before he drank, he looked at the clock again. He noticed that Nay Thu, his best friend, would come soon. Everytime Tun Lin’s parents came back from China, Nay Thu comes to Tun Lin’s house and greets his parents.
The weather outside is really bad. It is raining heavily. That reminds Tun Lin about the first day of school, the first time he met Nay Thu.
“It was raining heavily like today,” said Tun Lin in very low voice.
The school Compound was crowded with cars. They were moving very slowly in the heavy rain. Tun Lin was no longer patient. He got out of his car and ran toward the school gate. Suddenly, someone offered him an umbrella from the back.
“Oh, thanks,” said Tun Lin.
“I am Nay Thu. I am a new student here,” he introduced himself.
“I am Tun Lin. Come with me. I will show you around the school and introduce you to my friends.” They went inside the school.
“He is Myo Zaw,” said Tun Lin, pointing toward a boy with glasses who is standing at the school gate.
Tun Lin and Myo Zaw are best friends. They knew each other since they were in kindergarten. Now, they are in the final year of high school. They always stayed together, sat together, ate together, studied together, whatever they did, they were together. They are very smart and hard working students.
Tun Lin introduced Nay Thu to Myo Zaw.
“School is starting in two minutes. We better hurry,” said Myo Zaw.
Tun Lin asked Nay Thu, “What 1section are you in?”
“D,” he replied.
“That’s great. We are also in section D,” said Tun Lin happily.
Few months later, Nay Thu became their best friends. He became very close to them and knew them very well. He knew Tun Lin’s parents are rich and Myo Zaw’s parents are poor.
One day, after school, three of them walked together to the outside of the school through the soccer field.
“Where are you guys going?” asked Tun Lin.
“We’re going home,” both replied.
“Let’s go and eat something first. Then I can send u guys home by my car.”
Myo Zaw nodded. They both looked at Nay Thu.
“Hey!” Tun Lin shouted, “What’s wrong with you? You don’t want to come with us?”
“I don’t have money,” said Nay Thu, in very low voice. Tun Lin said immediately, “Ah! Don’t worry man. I will pay for you.”
Nay Thu is very happy like he achieved something. There was no sadness on his face anymore.
They started going out often from that day. Nay Thu was always telling them to go out somewhere. Later, they went out everyday after school. They don’t even aware of their final exam except Myo Zaw. Every time they went out, Myo Zaw was with them as he was the best friend of Tun Lin. But, Myo Zaw couldn’t accompany them anymore. He had to study. He asked Tun Lin to study with him. But everytime he asked the answer is ‘No’. He decided not to tell Tun Lin about studying anymore.
But at least, as a best friend, Myo Zaw told Tun Lin, “Don’t trust Nay Thu. He is using all your money.”
“What are you talking about? He’s nice to me. He makes me happy. He comes whenever I need him. He even gave me his girl when he noticed I liked her. He is the best guy in the whole world,” said Tun Lin angrily.
From that time, Myo Zaw didn’t say bad things about Nay Thu anymore. He stayed alone. But, one day, Tun Lin told him sadly about he was wrong, he shouldn’t angry at him and he asked him to come with them tonight. Myo Zaw accepted to go out with him.
But, after school, Nay Thu told Myo Zaw, “We are not going tonight. Our exam is in next month so we decided to study. We are not going out until the final exam is over.”
Myo Zaw was very happy. He thought Tun Lin was back. He thought Tun Lin was going to study hard again like before.

“Sorry, I am late,” said Nay Thu.
“Movie is already started,” said Tun Lin. “Where is Myo Zaw? I though he is coming with you.”
“He said he has to study tonight.”
“Are you sure?” Tun Lin doubted, “I told him to come.”
“Forget him! We can have fun without him,” said Nay Thu.
Tun Lin was very angry at Myo Zaw for not coming with them.

Tun Lin was thinking, “Nay Thu. He’s really nice to me. He cares about me a lot. He always makes me happy. He never does anything I don’t like.”
Tun Lin was interrupted from his thoughts by a telephone ring. He noticed his parents still haven’t arrived home yet. It already stopped raining at outside. Before he answered the phone, he drank a coffee which was holding in his hand for a long time. Then he picked up the phone.
“This is from airport customer service. We have received a message that the flight number B103 from China to Burma was crashed due to bad weather.”
“What! It’s crashed?” Tun Lin was shocked, “What happened to the passengers?”
“We don’t know yet sir. We will inform you as soon as we know.”
Tun Lin is sad and depressed. He dropped the cup in his hand. And he heard the sound of footstep.
“Sorry man, I’m late. Where are your parents? Are they home?” asked Nay Thu.
Tun Lin started crying and he said unclearly, “The plane is crashed.”
Nay Thu asked immediately, “What! Then, where’s the money to go out tonight?”

Three months later, everything was back to normal again. Tun Lin’s parents were sent to hospital for one month. Tun Lin realized Myo Zaw is the only one who cares about him. They become like before. Nay Thu never shows up from that day.

1section = classroom. In some Burmese schools, students have to stay in their same section from kindergarten to the final year of high school. All subjects are taught in the same room.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

My Favorite Valentine's Day Poem

I Miss You

I miss you terribly this day of love,

Miss you with a wound that stabs and aches.
I see the love around me, and it takes
So much strength simply just to move.
Soon, soon, my love, this waiting will be done.

You and I will have what we desire.
On days like this we'll sit beside the fire,
Undoing all the pain of days long gone.

-Author Unknown-

I read a few Valentine's Day poem on the internet. Unlike other poems, when I read this poem, "I Miss You", I feel somethinig weird; kind of sad but no really because my girlfriend suddenly appear in my mind. This poem reminds me of my girlfriend. Also, it is very cool to read and when you look at the first letter of each line, and look at vertically and you'll see the word "I Miss You".


The History of Valentine's Day

Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday?

One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

While some believe that Valentine's Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine's death or burial -- which probably occurred around 270 A.D.

For more information, visit

G-String - Nicola Barker

In this stroy, the word 'frock' is new and interesting to me. According to my research:

Frock has been used since Middle English as the name for an article of clothing for men and women. It is a dress or a gown usually worn by a girl or woman. Some type of frocks are robes worn by monks, friars, and other clerics.
For more information,

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Betrayal - Patricia Duncker

For this stroy, I research about "the local Protestants". According to my research:

Protestantism (from "protestors") is one of three main groups of Christianity, typically referring to European churches that separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the Renaissance-era Protestant Reformation.

A protestant is a member of a Western Christian church whose faith and practice are founded on the principles of the Reformation, especially in the acceptance of the Bible as the sole source of revelation, in justification by faith alone, and in the universal priesthood of all the believers.

For more imformation about protestants,

The Quote that I Like the Best

"Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief." - Swedish proverb

This quote is the best quote that I found in the handout. It makes sense to me and I can easily apply to my real life. Let me break down into two parts.
"Friendship doubles our joy." It is very ture for me. For example, I went to one the beaches with my friends in Burma last winter break. It was awesome and I had a lot fun. If I go to the beach with my family or other relatives, I don't think I will have that much fun as compare to going with my friends. Therefore, friendship doubles our joy.
"Friendship divides our grief." It is also very true. When we have some kind of problems with family, and lover, or other personal problem, the only person we talk to is our friends. Usually, we don't go talk to our parents because some problems we have cannot be discuss with them. When we go talk to our friends, they make us calm and they can give us advice. Therefore, friendship divides our grief.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Father, the Englishman, and I - Nuruddin Farah

I found the word 'Swahili' in this story. According to my research:

Swahili, also called Kiswahili, is a Bantu language, the most widely spoken language of sub-Saharan Africa. Swahili is the mother tongue of the Swahili people (or Waswahili) who inhabit several large stretches of the Indian Ocean coastlines from southern Somalia as far south as Mozambique's border region with Tanzania. The number of native speakers is small, under 800,000. However, Swahili has become a lingua franca in much of East Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

A Family Supper - Kazuo Ishiguro

In this story, the most interesting thing to me is the word 'Fugu'.

Fugu is a fish caught off the Pacific shores of Japan. According to my research, it contains deadly poison in the organs. Despite the risk, fugu dishes remain as special feasts in Japan. Even the milt is considered as a great delicacy. Fugu is referred to as blow/globe/puffer fish since it blows its body up. The kanji (Chinese characters) used to write fugu indicates "river pig." In western Japan, fugu is called "fuku," which means "to blow" or "happiness." It's reported that about 40 kinds of blow fish are caught and cultured in Japan and that 10000 tons of blow fish are consumed each year. Shimonoseki-city in Yamaguchi, is known as fugu city and supplies a large amount of fugu.

For more information about Fugu, visit:

My Mother's Memoirs, My Father's Lie, and Other True Stories - Russell Banks

I found the phrase "tumblers of Canadian Club" in this story. It is quite interesting to me, so I decided to research and write about Candian Club here.
Candian Club is the name of Canadian Whisky company. Canadian Club® products are extremely versatile. They can be enjoyed neat, with a mixer or as part of your favorite cocktail. It is Canadian Club®’s unique pre-barrel blending that gives our products the smoothness that allow them to be enjoyed in so many different ways. Please click on each CC product to discover some of the best ways to enjoy our whiskies.

Heifer International

About Heifer International

Heifer International was founded on a simple belief: ending hunger begins with giving people the means to feed themselves. Today, millions of families in more than 128 countries have been given the gifts of self-reliance and hope. Every family and community receiving animals also receives training in environmentally-sound, sustainable agriculture. Recipient families "pass on the gift" by sharing one or more of their animals' offspring with other struggling families. Each recipient becomes a donor. This process enhances self-esteem, ensures program continuity, builds solidarity and multiplies the benefits of the original gift for generations to come.

For more information, visit:

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Welcome to my blog

Hello ENGL017,

Enjoy reading my blogs!
