Thursday, February 8, 2007

Betrayal - Patricia Duncker

For this stroy, I research about "the local Protestants". According to my research:

Protestantism (from "protestors") is one of three main groups of Christianity, typically referring to European churches that separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the Renaissance-era Protestant Reformation.

A protestant is a member of a Western Christian church whose faith and practice are founded on the principles of the Reformation, especially in the acceptance of the Bible as the sole source of revelation, in justification by faith alone, and in the universal priesthood of all the believers.

For more imformation about protestants,

1 comment:

Professor Sweet's Cultural Reference Log said...

Interesting choice to research. I think the meaning of the reference to the Protestant religion in this story is because there was a time when the Protestant people, a religious minority in France, were persecuted. It can be seen as a metaphor about the persecution of cultural minorities....